Thursday, January 15, 2009

1st post

Today I start an adventure. I have been thinking about creating a blog for a long time now and finally have enough to say that I think someone might like to read.

I am starting this for several purposes:
1. I have a stack of magazine articles that I find interesting and want to remember. But I don't want to have them cluttering my kitchen counter any longer.
2. I want to remember all the useful tips I find for when I have a house of my own.
3. I wanted a way to organize my research for my Master's thesis. For those that are interested the question is: Does feeding children organically reduce their risk of potential health hazards.
4. Give me a space that I can proudly jump on my soap box of environmental radicalism without the scorn of the "non-believers".

I will probably think of other uses for this site, but for now that seems good enough.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I think you've got a great idea for a blog!

  2. I think this is worth doing and I will enjoy reading all that you print. I love the environmental tips and I am glad to say that we are already doing a lot of them.
