Monday, March 2, 2009

How to afford organics and why it costs more...

How to afford organics

1. Comparison Shop(I plan to actually price some things at Jewel, Dominicks, Trader Joes’s and Whole Foods)

2. Buy the store brand- again I plan to add some local prices to my paper)

3. Buy in season (Asparagus .99 this week vs. 5.99 in the fall)

4. Support CSAs ( for nearest CSA

5. Buy in bulk

6. Shop sales

7. Grow your own

8. Ask for it (stores will start to carry a wider variety and it will help bring cost down in long run.)

Why does organic food cost more?

1. The fed gov favors conventional crops. “The federal farm bill financially subsidizes massive industrial agricultural operations and their pesticide-intensive practices; it provides comparatively little support to organic farmers, or to farmers who want to transition to organic, a process that takes at least three years.”

2. Organic Farms are more labor intensive

3. Demand Exceeds Supply

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